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Zotero Resource Management: Other Browsers & Operating Systems

A guide to the Zotero reference manager program.

Other Browsers

If you're using Internet Explorer or a mobile browser, you can still save items to your Zotero library. A free Zotero account is required.

The Zotero Bookmarklet works with all desktop browsers and most mobile browsers (including Safari for iPad and the Android browser).

Visit the Zotero Bookmarklet page for installation instructions for your particular browser or device. You won't have to install any software -- just the bookmarklet!

Chrome OS

If using Chrome OS (on a Google Chromebook, for example), you will need to use the online library in place of the Zotero program. Install the Zotero browser connector for Google Chrome and create a free Zotero account. Right-click on the Zotero connector icon in the top right of your browser window, then select 'Options'. In the Options tab that opens, under the section titled 'Save to', click on 'Authorize' to allow the connector to save directly to your online library. From the online library you can export your citations to the Zotero program (on a desktop computer, for instance) or create bibliographies (see "Using the Synchronized Library" under the Synchronize Your Library tab).

Information on this guide was created by Jason Puckett at Georgia State University Library and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License. The original guide can be found here.